Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another year, another resolution...or is it?

Another year has passed...another thousand resolutions have been made. For most of the population, the resolution for 2013 is..."I want to get in shape!" We've all been there, we've all had it, so how is 2013 going to be different?

I've seen a lot of facebook posts that say, "2013 is MY year!" Ok. So how will you make sure that this is your year?

The definition of resolution is as follows: "a resolve or determination; the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose" (dictionary.com). Key words...determination, mental state, FIRMNESS! This is so contrary to what happens when we make New Years Resolutions, right? There is no firmness or determination (maybe just in the first month)! Firmness implies being solid...unwavering. Why is it that our "resolutions" always waver? They always get thrown to the wind after the first 2 months of the new year.

A lot of times, we have big hopes and plans for ourselves. We set out to want BIG things, and that's ok! We need to dream big, but we also need to be realistic. I am the type of person who gets easily carried away...when I get excited about something or committed to something, I forget reality. That thing that I'm excited about becomes my world...my reality. When I'm brought down from that "high," I am still excited, but I see it within its limits.

The hard part is that all of these resolutions take work, accountability, sacrifice, HONESTY, humility, and GRACE! We need people around us to help us get through! If it wasn't for Chris (my trainer), I would have fallen off the band wagon like I did every other year. It's been almost a year to date since I started working with him (Team Hulk! :)), and that's what changed for me! Having him to push me again and again and again. If that's what you need, find a trainer! Find someone who will be able to remind you of all the reasons that you started (while you're in the middle of a slow, painful, but totally worth it death! :)) It takes sacrificing that cookie, or candy bar, or nap that you feel you  need in that moment. It takes sacrificing your immediate desires, and getting that workout in...even if it's just 20 min that day. Give your 100%, whatever it looks like IN THAT MOMENT! It takes honesty. It's hard to face ourselves and say, "Today, this is how I feel, and I don't like feeling this way anymore!" Honesty also with other people! Which is where the humility comes in! It's hard to be honest and real with people when we mess up, regardless of what area of life it's in, but that's where the change comes and that's where we grow.

Most importantly, this journey of health and wellness takes grace! LOTS OF IT! It's easy to beat yourself up for the things you did, or didn't do, that day. We stress over them! 
FYI: stress increases the cortisol levels in your body, and when you have high cortisol levels, you retain fat! It makes it 10x harder to lose weight! #mindblowingright?
So why stress over that extra serving of whatever you had! It's not a set back! It's your chance to face tomorrow with vengeance...to face your next meal with a positive attitude! You can never change the past, so don't try to make yourself feel guilty over something you ate (or that workout you missed), because it doesn't change anything...except hinders your results! TURST ME! I'VE BEEN THERE!!!!

So this year, let's REALLY make it different. Let's be determined, and be firm in our goals. Let's adopt the mentality of "I'll want this, and I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES!" For that is where change will come, and that is where YOU will stand out!

Here's a few resources that might help you (and has helped me) along this journey! There is a book called Made to Crave. It's about how to put down the candy bar and go for the almonds! It's about replacing our desire for food with greater things! (not just other food, but things in life that are more fulfilling!) SUCH a good book! I recommend doing it with a friend as well...hint hint...accountability. :) The book is by Lysa Terkeurst.

The other thing that I JUST discovered thanks to a friend is a phone app called myfitnessbuddy. You can go online and sign up on myfitnessbuddy.com and get the phone app. Daily, you can log your food, weight, set goals, etc. You can also create private groups so you and a friend (or lots of friends :)) can have private conversations about struggles, successes, etc! It's a great thing, and I'm super excited to use it myself! Great accountability tool as well!

So who's with me?! I'm continuing to grow in this process, and would love for you to join me! What choices will you make TODAY that will make TOMORROW DIFFERENT?


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